Learn how to launch a great online auction from scratch

Hold an online auction like a pro. We’ll show you exactly how with an easy-to-follow, step-by-step guide. Everyone can get involved and create a great online fundraising campaign.

Get the guide for free and with no obligations!

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The organizer’s guide to a successful online fundraiser

Take advantage of a digital tool that helps you collect funds to support the cause or non-profit organization (NPO) that matters to you. Whether you want to improve your corporate social responsibility (CSR), are in charge of a non-profit organization, or want to do your part, use this guide to learn how to organize an online auction and get a comprehensive introduction to online fundraising. In this guide, we provide you with step-by-step instructions for running a successful auction. You will have everything you need to get started with your fundraising activity!

In this free guide, you’ll uncover...

Illustration of a clipboard with a checklist

Easy to understand, step-by-step instructions, from planning your fundraising activity to the closing process.

Illustrations of two sheets of paper with writing

Models and tools such as lists, email templates, and more to help you plan a hassle-free online auction.

Illustration of a megaphone

All the right resources to build a strong strategy for maximizing your social media exposure.

Illustration of a medal with ribbons

Online fundraising best practices, actionable tips, and strategies to run a successful online fundraiser.

Get your FREE guide

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Success starts with trust

Participating in the success of the following organizations' auctions is our fundamental purpose.

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  • Exclusive news about upcoming auctions
  • Information about the most popular items
  • Tips and tricks related to the philanthropic sector
  • Scoops about the platform

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