During the auction

Once your auction is launched, you can take action to maximize your fundraising event and increase participation during the event. To do so, find out how to make the most of Followmybid’s features for a memorable fundraiser. Here are a few tips (in no particular order) to note during your auction.

Monitor your auction

Keep track of auction performance and ensure your objective is met with our ultra-convenient dashboard. You can see your performance statistics and financial goal progress in real time.

Capture d'écran de la page Performances de l'encan en ligne.

During your auction, take action as soon as the engagement or the number of bids decreases. For example, you can share an item on Facebook using the share button found directly on the item page or share an ad or a post.

You can also highlight your most popular items (or least popular) with the featured item option. The items you highlight will appear on the auction’s first page, giving them more visibility.

Take advantage of the messaging system

During your auction, we invite you to use our messaging system to communicate with your participants and answer their questions.

Capture d'écran de la page du système de messagerie.

Using the “at” sign (@) is a way to identify groups of people and send them the same message. You can also use mentions to bring attention to a particular item, making it easy for participants to find it.

Here is a list to give you ideas:

  • @admin
  • @participants
  • @item [X]
  • @winners

Remember to include a link to your auction in each message so that participants can access it easily from their cell phones.

We advise you to message all your participants if you add items during your auction. Again, don’t forget to include a link redirecting to the item in question so it’s easy to find!

When the participation level drops, you can follow up by sending participants a group message.

Toward the end of your auction, prepare a countdown and send reminders to encourage participants to bid before the auction closes. Participants will receive automated messages if you set up the overtime mode and when the auction ends.

Modify your auction

With our platform, you may remove, modify or add items at any time. 

You can also set items to be available or unavailable for bids as you wish.

If you want an item to find a taker or if it’s less popular than expected, adjust the price during the auction.

When the participation level drops, you can follow up by sending participants a group message.

Promote your event

Continue to appeal to the generosity of the public. You can use social media to promote certain items or ask your partners to share your auction on their social media pages.

It would be best to keep the stakes high as long as your auction is active. Who knows, you might even exceed your fundraising goal!

Ready for the next step?
Now that you know all the tricks to boost your auction, learn more about the steps after the event closes.
Emoji glossary
List alert! This emoji announces a small list of things to remember or think about, the kind of information you’ll probably write down on a Post-it note since it’s that important!
The most frequently asked questions our fundraising experts receive about online auctions. These tips are worth repeating over and over again to anyone willing to listen.
Bonus ideas that might be helpful!
Emoji glossary
List alert! This emoji announces a small list of things to remember or think about, the kind of information you’ll probably write down on a Post-it note since it’s that important!
The most frequently asked questions our fundraising experts receive about online auctions. These tips are worth repeating over and over again to anyone willing to listen.
Bonus ideas that might be helpful!