Useful information at a glance

Is it your first time with us, and you’re unsure where to begin? Don’t panic. We’re here to help. Here are the three basic steps for creating your auction. Still haven’t found the answer to your questions? Contact us, and don’t forget to breathe!

Two people each hold a puzzle piece that matches each other.

Before the auction

So you’ve decided to do an online auction? Perfect! Now we recommend that you take the time to gather everything you need while waiting to receive access to the platform. That way, you’ll be ready to start once you have your administrator account.

To set up your auction, make sure you have:

  • The name and description of your auction
  • The logo and banner image for your auction
    • Logos must be at least 150px* high
    • Banners must be 700px by 390px*
  • Logo and website link for each of your partners
    • Partner logos must be at least 300px by 300px*
  • Photos, description and market value for each of your items
    • Images must be at least 560px by 420px*
  • Facebook banner for your event
    • The Facebook banner must be at least 300px by 300px*
  • Participant names and email addresses
  • *All images must be in JPG or PNG format.
An image icon with "your logo here" written on it

Want to know everything about organizing an auction?

With our pre-recorded and personalized demos, you'll have all the tools you need to run your most successful auction to date.

During the auction

As soon as your auction begins, take action to maximize your profits and increase participation. To do so, discover how to fully exploit all the features that Followmybid offers for memorable fundraisers.

During your virtual auction, we recommend that you:

  • Publish your auction on social media and in your circles of influence
  • Keep an eye on your performance chart and take action as soon as the engagement rates drop
  • Put items in the spotlight and change them strategically
  • Use the Facebook share button to publish interesting items and attract participants
  • Communicate with your participants using the messaging system
  • Push back the end date of your event as much as you need to ensure the goal is met
  • Foresee having assistants and phone chargers if your auction is being held with an in-person event
An ellipsis icon announces that someone is writing a message.

After the auction

Congratulations, your auction was a true success! However, you must know that your work is far from over. Participant invoices and performance reports will be generated automatically, but you still have a few more steps to close your auction properly.

At the end of your auction, don't forget to:

  • Share your printable performance report with the rest of the team
  • Reassign items if participants renounce them
  • Proceed with collecting payments for items and donations
  • Warmly thank your participants and your partners
  • Prepare tax receipts, if necessary
Image of the invoice and performance report that are automatically generated at the end of an auction.

Talk to a
fundraising expert

Our experts will guide you and help you get your online auction off to a great start! Let's talk
Young woman holding an open laptop and preparing to write on her keyboard.

Join The Philanclub!

Are you a philanthropist at heart? Join a like-minded community! When you sign up for our newsletter, you’ll receive the following:
  • Exclusive news about upcoming auctions
  • Information about the most popular items
  • Tips and tricks related to the philanthropic sector
  • Scoops about the platform

And of the above personalized to suit your needs!

Do you want in? We have questions for you!

The philanclub - Image